Thistle Hills is a residential program located in the rolling hills of Coatesville. We help transform the lives of women who have been trafficked and addicted. We seek to empower women by providing a 24-month, rent-free, home environment based on a community living model for up to four women at a time.
We create opportunities for holistic healing and empowerment for women to achieve sober, honest, self-sufficient lives through:
The healing power of love allows for flourishing and growth. Transforming challenging pasts into beautiful futures.
Our community is marked by hard work, mutual accountability, and radical hospitality. The organic dots of our thistle blossom indicate a sense of tight-knit community, support, and healing.

With your contribution you are directly helping women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction find healing, hope, and freedom. Thank you for honoring our work. Thank you for supporting our growth. And most importantly, thank you for believing in the healing power of love. We could not do this without you!
PBS did an amazing story on Thistle Farms and what they are all about. This is definitely worth the 6 minute watch. It’s what they do (and what Thistle Hills, as a sister organization, is doing) described in a concise and powerful way. Here is the link:
For additional information, please contact the Rev. Sherry Deets at 610-384-4771.