Sermons from May 2024

Sermons from May 2024

“reserve the right to get smarter”

Trinity Sunday – May 26, 2024John 3:1-17          Today in our church calendar, we celebrate Trinity Sunday –  and we’re given, from John’s gospel, the story of Nicodemus and the very well known piece of scripture from John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”          The story of Nicodemus is a story about God’s love for the world.…

prayer is relationship

7 Easter – May 12, 2024John 17:6-19             For this seventh Sunday after Easter, the Revised Common Lectionary always gives us a portion of Jesus’s “High Priestly Prayer”. It’s the culmination of his farewell discourse to his disciples.  The setting is the Upper Room on Maundy Thursday.  Jesus has just washed his disciples’ feet, foreseen Judas’s betrayal, predicted Peter’s denial, promised his disciples the Holy Spirit, and offered them urgent words of instruction.  Time is running out, and Jesus knows…

“abide in my love”

6 Easter – May 5, 2024John 15:9-17          Last Sunday we heard about vines. Jesus used a vivid image of a branch abiding in a vine. If the branch were to separate itself from the vine, it would wither and die. But if it simply stays connected, the vines aliveness flows into the branch and bears fruit through it. So, if we abide or remain in vital connection to Christ, the Spirit will flow with God’s aliveness in and through…