Sermons from April 2024

Sermons from April 2024


5 Easter – April 28, 2024John 15:1-8          We are given two rich pieces of scriptures this morning, the amazing story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the story of the vine and the branches. Jesus is telling us that we are the branches and he is the vine – that we cannot bear fruit by ourselves unless we abide in the vine. It’s a counter cultural message in this age of ‘pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps’ and describing ourselves…

Leading With Our Scars

3 Easter – April 14, 2024Luke 24:36b-48          Last week, we heard about Thomas, his doubts, his questions about the risen Jesus, touching Jesus’ wounds. That was John’s account. This week we hear the story from a slightly different angle, from the writer of Luke.          The disciples huddle together behind locked doors, afraid that the authorities will come after them.  They struggle to take in these strange reports of “Jesus sightings” and wonder what it all means.  Then, suddenly…

The Lord Is My Shepherd

4 Easter – April 21, 2024John 10:11-18          Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd”. This usually conjures up, at least for me, comforting thoughts. Like the image of Jesus holding a sheep lovingly and tenderly in his arms.  But in actuality, this discourse emerges out of a conflict with the religious authorities in the previous chapter.          So, why did Jesus use a shepherd metaphor in his time and place?  According to John’s gospel, Jesus had just healed a…

A Way

2 Easter – April 7, 2024John 20:19-31          “Do not doubt, but believe” Jesus tells us today.  This story about Thomas is given to us every year on the Sunday after Easter.  It is a resurrection story filled with the reality of human life. Thomas is asking to see the wounds of Jesus….the mark of the nails in his hands and the mark on his side.  Thomas wanted to see Jesus’ wounds and put his fingers in them. And, Jesus…