Sermons from 2020 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2020 (Page 2)

The Messy Middle

The Messy Middle

14 Pentecost, Proper 18 – September 6, 2020 Matthew 18:15-20           Wherever two or more are gathered….well, it can be really hard to get along. Right? Today’s gospel caused me to say Oh, no!, when I first read it.  But then, I realized this is relevant to what we’re going through right now. This exhausting point of our journey through a pandemic, this unsettling time of addressing – hopefully addressing – racial injustice, and all of that intertwined with a…
A Rock?

A Rock?

12 Pentecost, Proper 16 – August 23, 2020 Matthew 16:13-20                 Today’s gospel is a bit intimidating. Jesus is calling Peter a “rock” and blessing him with a mighty blessing. I wonder how Peter felt at the time….I would guess he thought to himself….’”what?  I’m no rock and I don’t want that power you’re talking about” do you really know me, Jesus?? Matthew tells us that Jesus and the disciples visit Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus, after having asked his companions…
Life's Struggles

Life’s Struggles

9 Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 2, 2020 Genesis 32:22-31 and Matthew 14:13-21           This morning we have one of my favorite stories – Jacob wrestling with an angel. It is close to my heart as I am reminded of the times I have wrestled with God in my own life.  And we have the miracle story – the only miracle story to appear in all 4 of our gospels – the fishes and the loaves, the feeding of the…

Flour and yeast

8 Pentecost, Proper 12 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Our gospel this morning presents us with five short parables about the kingdom of heaven: the mustard seed, the leaven, the hidden treasure, the priceless pearl and the net. Of interest in these parables, are the diverse socioeconomic settings represented there:  a sower of seed, a woman baking bread, a fortune seeker, a merchant, a commercial fisherman. They reflect activities easily recognized in the world of the Gospel and also today, each individual…
What kind of soil are you?

What kind of soil are you?

6 Pentecost, Proper 10 – July 12, 2020 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23           The story line in our gospel today seems simple enough. A sower goes out to sow, and casts seed extravagantly, abundantly, so that they land in four kinds of places, with four different results. The seed that lands on the hard path is eaten up by birds. The seed that lands in rocky soil grows up only to wither. The seed that lands among thorns grows up, but…
What is your Picture of God?

What is your Picture of God?

5 Pentecost, Proper 9 – July 5, 2020 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Perception is a fascinating thing. The definition of perception is the state of being, or process of becoming aware of something through the senses. It is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression or picture. It’s intuitive understanding and insight. In our gospel reading for today, Jesus talks about how we have perceived John the Baptist and Jesus, himself. The crowds appear ready to judge…

Make a New Map

2 Pentecost, Proper 6 – June 14, 2020 Matthew 9:35-10:8-23  This morning we are hearing from scripture about Abraham and Sarah having a child in their old age. Something unexpected and wonderfully new and creative.  And we hear about Jesus sending the twelve out to the Israelites to proclaim the good news. He describes sending them out like “sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”.   It’s interesting that Jesus wasn’t sending…

The Dance of the Trinity

Trinity Sunday – June 7, 2020 Genesis 1:1-2:4a and Matthew 28:16-20           Today is Trinity Sunday, the Sunday we’ve set aside to honor the doctrine of the Trinity.  That mysterious concept of the three in one and one in three.  You know, God is three in one, but really one, even though God is also three?  Clear as mud.  There’s the example of water, ice and steam to attempt to explain the Trinity – 3 forms, but one substance.  Water,…
Fire and Wind

Fire and Wind

Pentecost – May 31, 2020 Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23   Today, we celebrate Pentecost. It’s often called the birthday of the church, because it’s when the first believers received the gift of the Holy Spirit and began the mission of being Christ’s witnesses “in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.  It is a bold mission. A mission marked by wind and fire. Fire and wind are powerful biblical symbols. They have the…


7 Easter, Ascension Sunday – May 24, 2020 Acts 1:1-11 and Luke 24:44-53          Ascension Day is one of the most overlooked holidays on our Christian calendar. It always happens on a Thursday – this year is was observed this past Thursday, so we are honoring it today, this Ascension Sunday, because it reminds us that we cannot limit God. God came to us in the flesh as the person of Jesus, and Jesus’ ascension reminds us that we can’t…
One Little Word

One Little Word

5 Easter – May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14           “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” Now, I admit when I looked at our gospel for this Fifth Sunday of Easter and saw the reference to house and many dwelling places it took on a new meaning for me in the midst of our stay-at-home orders. Most of us  want to get out of…