Sermons from 2017 (Page 3)

Sermons from 2017 (Page 3)

Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

3 Epiphany – January 22, 2017 Matthew 4:12-23 On Epiphany Sunday I spoke about hope. That the Epiphany story is one of hope. Today, I continue that theme in the midst of geography. How so? you ask.  What does geography have to do with it?   Well, our gospel passage begins with Jesus’ hearing the news that John has been arrested. It’s rather ominous. Soon after Jesus starts to live into his baptism, he hears that John, his baptizer and…
What Hope Is Made Of

What Hope Is Made Of

Epiphany – January 8, 2017 Matthew 2:1-12 I have always loved the Epiphany story, the story of the Magi – those Wise Men from the East – searching for the baby Jesus. I love it because, for me, it is a story of hope. The wise men were following a star, a star that would lead the way to the king of the Jews. They made it to Jerusalem, but they needed some additional help, some assistance, so they asked…