Sermons from 2014 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2014 (Page 2)

Send Them Away

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 8 Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 3, 2014 Matthew 14:13-21 and Genesis 32:22-31 So, our gospel story today is the feeding of the 5000 – one of Jesus’ miracles. Today I want us to look deeper into just what this miracle represents. Notice, before going further into the story, the context of this scene. It begins with the transitional line, “Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted…

The Kingdom of God May Be Found in the Mundane and Ordinary

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 7 Pentecost – July 27, 2014 Matthew 13:31-33,44-52 This week’s passage presents us with a series of parables that evoke distinct elements of God’s kingdom. The first two parables are about the surprising presence, even invasiveness, of God’s reality and reign, while the second set leans more in the direction of the extreme surprise and delight we experience when we discover, even stumble upon, the peace and joy of the kingdom. The promise of the…

Let Anyone With Ears Listen

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 5 Pentecost, Proper 10 – July 13, 2014 Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 “Let anyone with ears listen”. The verb “to listen” is in present tense. To hear God’s Word is not a one-time occurrence but an ongoing characteristic of discipleship. Listening is essential to discipleship. The story line in our gospel today is simple enough. A sower goes out to sow, and casts seed so that it lands in four kinds of places, with four different results.…

The Gift of Friendship

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 4 Pentecost, Proper 9 – July 6, 2014 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Jesus says to us, “…my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Sometimes we hear this and think, “yea, right, Jesus?” How can you ease my burden? In Pat Conroy’s memoir, My Losing Season, Pat tells the story of his senior year as point guard during the Citadel’s basketball season, and what he learned from losing. He also describes the people in his…

God Gives You Life Again

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 3 Pentecost, Proper 8 – June 29, 2014 Genesis 22:1-14 “It’s not about you.” Did anyone ever say that to you? Something is going on. Some conflict is being worked out or some decision is being made about something that is going to happen and you are feeling threatened or put upon or involved in some other way. Then someone who is more deeply involved says to you, “This is not about you.” At first…

I’m Really Afraid

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 2 Pentecost – June 22, 2014 Matthew 10:24-39 Lucy, the psychiatrist of Peanuts fame, sits waiting in her booth. Frieda comes seeking help. “My problem is that I’m afraid of kindergarten. I don’t even know why! I try to reason it out, but I can’t … I’m just afraid … I think about it all the time … I’m really afraid….” Lucy responds, as only Lucy does, “You’re no different from anyone else. Five cents,…

Pay Attention To What the Spirit Might Be Saying

By The Rev. Sherry Deets Pentecost – June 8, 2014 Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23 Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The day in which we mark and remember the gift of the Holy Spirit. Often called the birthday of the Church. The coming of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, that will never, ever leave us alone, just as Jesus promised. So, if we wanted to encounter the Holy Spirit of God, where would we look? And how would…

The Fear of Being Left Alone

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 7 Easter – June 1, 2014 Acts 1:6-14 and John 17:1-11 We just heard Jesus say, in John’s gospel: “and this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”. It’s not too often we get a straight forward definition of eternal life and here it is. Eternal life is to know God and Jesus. So what if it is that simple? How would that…

You Can’t Make That Ball Go In

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 5 Easter – May 18, 2014 John 14:1-14 Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”. He says this in response to Thomas’ honest questioning – “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” How can we know the way? If we’re honest with ourselves, we have the same question. How can we know the way?” Jesus is speaking of a way of life…

Mister Rogers vs. Joan Rivers

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 4 Easter – May 11, 2014 John 10:1-10 Jesus says, “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved…. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” We understand a gate as a means of access, or an entryway. Jesus says that he is the gate – the access to salvation and not just life, but abundant life. Abundant life isn’t defined by Jesus, but this piece of scripture comes…

We Had Hoped

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 3 Easter – May 4, 2014 Luke 24:13-35 The most striking words in our gospel story today are these: “We had hoped.” “We had hoped.” We hear families use that phrase when they are packing up the things they had brought with them to the ICU. “We had hoped … ,” they say, and then they go home alone. Families use this phrase when addictions return, or jobs go away. Although theologies of hope focus…

Winston Churchill’s Funeral Service

By The Rev. Sherry Deets Easter Sunday – April 20, 2014 Matthew 28:1-10 Happy Easter! Matthew presents us with one of the most dramatic readings of the resurrection. There was a great earthquake and an angel of the Lord descended, his appearance like lightening. In other words, light has split a crack in the universe and everything we thought we knew has changed. To meet Jesus is for the ground to move beneath you, nothing remains as it was. The…