Sermons from September 2007

Sermons from September 2007

Poor Man Lazarus

By the Very Rev. Sherry CromptonSeptember 30, 2007Read: Luke 16:19-31 My friend Barbara says that “each of us has things we tell ourselves to protect us from the pain of those around us. For example: If only he had not dropped out of high school. If only she had not had so many babies. If he would just learn more English. If she would only stop drinking. It’s human nature to find some reason why people are the way they…

God and Wealth

By the Very Rev. Sherry CromptonSeptember 23, 2007Read: Luke 16:1-13 So our parable from Luke’s gospel is one of the most difficult to figure out. But, I think we all understand the initial story. If Jesus told the story today, it might go something like this: A wealthy loan shark was told that his accountant was lining his own pockets with some of the money he took in. He called the accountant and said, “What is this I hear? Bring…

Sacrificial Love

By the Very Rev. Sherry CromptonSeptember 9, 2007Read: Luke 14:25-33 Barbara Brown Taylor suggests that Jesus would have made a poor parish minister. “Talk to any church growth expert today and they will tell you how important it is to create a safe, caring environment where people believe their concerns will be heard and their needs will be met. The basic idea is to find out what people are looking for and give it to them, so that they decide…


By the Very Rev. Sherry CromptonSeptember 2, 2007Read: Luke 14:1, 7-14 There is certainly a common thread in today’s readings and it has to do with humility. But what is humility? What is Jesus talking about? Does it mean to be inferior? Does it mean to put yourself down? Does it mean to be timid? To be a mouse in the corner? To be afraid to say anything to anyone? No, it doesn’t. Humility is the opposite of pride or…