Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 9)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 9)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

A Broken Glass Vision

A Broken Glass Vision

4 Epiphany – January 30, 2022 Luke 4:21-30           Today’s gospel is a continuation of last week’s story with Jesus saying, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”   And it all started off really well.  All spoke well of him and were amazed at his gracious words.  And then, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The crowd that had been adoring this hometown man, turned into an angry mob that wanted to throw him off a cliff. What happened?  Well,…
Bible Study

Today is Holy

3 Epiphany – January 23, 2022 Luke 4:14-21           Our gospel ends today with the words of Jesus:  “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Has it? Jesus seems convinced of it, at least. And to get a little Greek language insight, the verb “has been fulfilled” is in the perfect tense. Which means that the Scripture has indeed been fulfilled in its hearing and the effect of that hearing is an ongoing reality. In other words, “today”…

Life Sustaining Kernels

1 Epiphany: The Baptism of our Lord – Jan 9, 2022 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22          We just heard Luke tell us that Jesus has been baptized–and was praying—”when the heavens opened up and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  Now, that was a “moment”. A significant, full, ripe moment. It established a relationship. It’s the season…

Journey to Bethlehem

Epiphany – January 2, 2022 Matthew 2:1-12           Happy New Year, Happy 2022!  It’s a new calendar year, and today we are marking the Feast of the Epiphany which we are celebrating early, as it actually occurs on Thursday, January 6, the twelfth day after Christmas. Epiphany tells the story of the magi, or the wise men, traveling by the light of a bright star to see the child who has been born “King of the Jews”.  Of course, as…

God’s Love Will Find Us

Christmas Eve 2021           I admit that I am weary, this virus has created a bit of chaos for our holiday gatherings yet again. But we are reminded on Christmas Eve of how Jesus was born as a tiny baby, in the darkness of a stable.  God’s love comes down to us, is born in us on Christmas. Jesus brings light and life and hope to a weary world. You all know this poetry, these lyrics:  “O Holy Night, the…

“You Brood of Vipers”

3 Advent – December 12, 2021 Luke 3:7-18           “You brood of vipers!” is how our gospel begins today. It sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Here is this crowd of people coming to John to be baptized and he calls them a ‘brood of vipers’.  And John also cautions against abusing the privilege of a family tree that has a long prior relationship with God: “Do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our ancestor.’” If any of…

In the Wilderness

2 Advent – December 5, 2021 Luke 3:1-6          So, in our gospel this morning we start out with a litany. “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and on and on. We get a listing of 7 very powerful people — an emperor, a governor, three tetrarchs, and two high priests. Together they represent rulers of the known world, the regional lands, and the religious, political,…

Necessary Things Happen in the Dark

1 Advent – November 28, 2021 Luke 21:25-36           It is the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the year. The beginning of the church calendar year. Have you ever wondered why we begin our church year as the days are shorter and it’s darker? Have you ever wondered why we begin with scripture that is apocalyptic?  I have.  I mean, we’re hearing about signs. Signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. Distress, confusion, fainting from…

What do you See?

25 Pentecost, Proper 28 – November 14, 2021 Mark 13:1-8           Our gospel story from Mark today begins as Jesus is walking out of the temple just after pointing out to his disciples that a poor widow gave more with her small offering than the wealthy did, because she gave out of her poverty. So, doesn’t it strike you as rather interesting that the first thing said to Jesus as they are leaving the temple is, Wow! Look at these…

Unbind Us

All Saints Sunday – November 7, 2021 John 11:32-44           Today we are celebrating All Saints Sunday. So, why is it that we set aside a Sunday each year to commemorate the saints that have preceded us? Well, the tradition is meant to provide an opportunity to acknowledge that we stand upon the shoulders of those who lived and died before us, and to give them recognition. What we’ve accomplished in life is partially due to the saints that came…

What Gives You Hope?

22 Pentecost, Proper 25 – October 24, 2021 Mark 10:46-52           A question to ponder for today and maybe for the week….what gives you hope?  What gives you hope?  I ask this question from the perspective that we are living in a time where we can make more of a difference than ever before, much of the future is in our hands. In other words, our choices matter, what we do matters. Krista Tippett refers to this as “muscular hope”…

Spiritual Growth = Change

20 Pentecost, Proper 23 – October 10, 2021 Mark 10:17-31           So, in our gospel today, “a man” ran up and knelt before Jesus. This man, perhaps thinking he has everything else—has the ultimate question for Jesus:  “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  Like Jesus did last week when the Pharisees put him to the test with the question about divorce, Jesus reframes the question in terms of the kingdom of God (“come, follow me”) rather…