Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 42)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 42)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

Come To Me, and I Will Give You Rest

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonJune 15, 2008 Read: Genesis 18:1-15;21:1-7 and Matthew 9:35-10:23 This morning Jesus tells the disciples to go to the lost sheep…the harassed and helpless ones…the ones without a shepherd, and give them good news. It starts with compassion – feeling another’s pain – and responding with hope. It’s the essence of doing ministry. But doing ministry the way Jesus tells us to do ministry is dangerous, because these “lost sheep” are the dangerous ones who…

Why Doesn’t The Rainbow Come Full Circle?

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonJune 1, 2008 Read: Genesis 6:9-22;7:24;8:14-19, Matthew 7:21-29 Noah and his family stepped out from the ark into the first sunshine they had seen in [many, many] days and stood upon land. When they saw the clean new Earth, Noah and his family wept for joy. God wept with them. God spoke to Noah and his family, saying: “I am your God who brought you forth into this new land. Look around you and see…

Worry is the Opposite of Faith

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMay 25, 2008 Read: Matthew 6:24-36, Psalm 131, Isaiah 49:8-16a There is a game out there called the “Worst Case Scenario Game”. In this worst case scenario survival game players face interesting or dangerous situations. Can you fend off a shark? Clear a jammed copy machine? Survive a five-story fall into a dumpster? Land an airplane? It’s up to you to get out of your Worst-Case Scenario. Give your best answer and if you’re right…

The Birthday of the Church

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMay 11, 2008 (Pentecost Sunday) Read: Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23 There is a lot of red in the church today. Red is the color we use to celebrate the Day of Pentecost. The day we were given the powerful gift of the Holy Spirit. The day the church was birthed, given new life…the birthday of the church. The day of wind and fire and languages that were different, yet the same. Each was speaking…

Saying Goodbye

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMay 4, 2008 (Ascension Sunday) Read: Acts 1:6-14 and John 17:1-11 Today in the Book of Acts, we hear of Jesus being lifted up into a cloud. Jesus’ Ascension. Can you imagine how the apostles felt, what they were thinking? As they stood there, staring into the sky in wonder and awe, at where they last saw their beloved Jesus, two men in white robes—angels—said, “Why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus,…

Jesus Will Not Leave Us Orphaned

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonApril 27, 2008 Read: John 14:15-21 Jesus says today, “I will not leave you orphaned: I am coming to you.” Jesus spends a great deal of time in John’s gospel explaining to his disciples that he is about to die and what they need to know before he leaves them. Jesus is explaining his death as some kind of family reunion. He is going to the Father and in the meantime, the disciples are in…

Building a Spiritual House

By Patricia KirknerChildren’s SermonApril 20, 2008Read 1 Peter 2:10 Good Morning. Today we heard in the 2nd reading from 1st Peter, these words: “…let yourself be built into a spiritual house.” When I first read those words about building a house, I remembered one of my childhood stories; The Three Little Pigs. How many of you are familiar with that story? What do you remember? (pause) The story starts with the pigs being old enough to set out on their…

The Good Shepherd

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonApril 13, 2008 Read: Psalm 23 and John It’s Good Shepherd Sunday just in case you hadn’t noticed all those references to sheep in today’s scripture readings. It tends to make me think of fluffy, cute little sheep and Jesus holding a lamb gently in his arms. It’s a good thought. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and he does indeed desire to hold each of us in his loving arms. But is there more to…

The Road to Emmaus

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonApril 6, 2008 Read: Luke 24:13-35 The road to Emmaus. We’ve all been on that road…that road to Emmaus. That long walk after losing an important game, that long walk after losing your job, that long walk after the death of a loved one. It’s the long road back to the empty house, the piles of unopened mail, to life as usual, if life can ever be usual again after our hopes and dreams are…

Doubting Thomas

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMarch 30, 2008 Read: John 20:19-31 Today is often referred to as “Doubting Thomas” Sunday. And many of us think, “poor Thomas”. It’s an unfair label to put on him. Except that it is a clear biblical example of the fact that we can doubt, we can question, and Jesus remains by our side wanting us to develop a deeper faith. To believe. So, why do I, and many others, believe it’s an unfair label…

God is Now Here

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMarch 23, 2008 (Easter Sunday) Read: John 20:1-18 Alleluia! The Lord is Risen! Happy glorious Easter! In Bible study someone commented on how wonderful the detail is in our story from John this morning. It allows for us to truly “see” what happened, it’s vivid and it’s real. And, in the detail we see in the first 11 verses, that the word “tomb” occurs 9 times and after verse 12 it is not mentioned again.…

Burning Our Demons

By The Very Rev. Sherry CromptonMarch 21, 2008 (Good Friday) Read: John 18:1-19:42 “Then he bowed his head and gave up his Spirit”. It’s Good Friday. The day we are called to stand at the foot of the cross with Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene. We are invited to experience our own impotence. Our inability to stop the dying. “The Word became flesh and lived among us,” as the Gospel of John declares. (John 1:14) In a…