Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 36)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 36)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

The Samurai Sword is Returned

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 30, 2010 (Trinity Sunday) Read: Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31; Romans 5:1-5 and John 16:12-15 Today is Trinity Sunday. The Sunday in which we focus on the mystery that is the triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three in one. Metaphors for the Trinity are often helpful in understanding the mystery of our three-in-one God. A Bach Trio Concerto blends three different streams of music together into a beautiful whole. So too a trio…

Pentecost is an Explosion

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 23, 2010 (Pentecost Sunday) Read: Acts 2:1-21 and John 14:8-17, 25-27 Today is Pentecost. The coming of the Holy Spirit when “they were all together in one place and suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting”. “Divided tongues, like fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.” How do you picture those tongues…

Those Who Love Me Will Keep My Word

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 9, 2010 Read: John 14:23-39 In this simple reading is great peace. Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” It is peace because of the abiding presence, but it is not a peace that sits still. It is an abiding that leads forth into…

You’ve Done the Sisters a Big Disservice

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton May 2, 2010 Read: John 13:31-35 Judas has gone out, the Gospel lesson says. The hour had come. There was no turning back now. The betrayal had been set in motion and could not be stopped now. Today’s gospel is taking us back to the last supper and is Jesus’ final discourse to the disciples before his crucifixion. Judas had just taken the morsel of bread from Jesus and had his feet washed by Jesus.…

Who are you, Jesus Christ?

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton April 25, 2010 Read: John 10:22-30 In Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Jesus Christ, Superstar, King Herod sings a mocking song to Jesus – “Who are you, Jesus Christ?” It is a question that people have asked for two thousand years. Who is this Jesus? Is he a great teacher or a fraud? Is he a sage or revolutionary or miracle worker? Is he “just a man,” as the Mary Magdalene figure sings in the musical play…

The Prodigal Son

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton March 14, 2010 Read: Luke 15:1-3,11b-32 Jesus used parables to give us insight into His Father. We learn about the Father’s feelings in regard to our human condition in one parable in particular: the Prodigal Son. The title is a bit misleading though. It is also a parable about the other son and the forgiving Father, a Father who demonstrates extravagant love. Let’s go through the parable. Then Jesus said, “There was a man who…

Self-Righteous Anger

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton March 7, 2010 Read: Luke 13:1-9 Rodney Clapp speaks of self-righteous anger. We all know it. If emotions were cuisine, this would be the piece de resistance, the dish we love to linger over and return to, time and time again. Anger by itself does not taste so good. It is bitter and leaves an aftertaste. On the other hand self-righteousness—there is the seasoning that makes plain old hamburger anger irresistible. Self-righteous anger goes down…

Jerusalem as the City that Kills the Prophets

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton 2 Lent – February 28, 2010 Read: Luke 13:31-35 Jesus’ opening words in today’s gospel reveal facets of his character often unseen. He’s usually not a name-caller, but when he calls Herod a fox, we hear the weariness in his voice. His speech is direct; he refuses to act from fear. He points to the concrete evidence of his good work: how could anyone object to curing the sick? He’s probably also suspicious: why do…

Lessons from Frog and Toad

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton Ash Wednesday – February 16, 2010 Read: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 “Beware of practicing your piety before others..” Jesus tells us. And we hear the word hypocrite more than once. What do we make of that? One of the reasons why masks are a part of the Mardi Gras celebration has to do with this. We tend to present ourselves one way to others – in other words, put on a mask – while deep down…

Peter and His Companions Were Weighed Down With Sleep

By The Rev. Sherry Crompton February 14, 2010 Read: Luke 9:28-43a Today we stand as onlookers with Peter and John and James on a special experience – a mysterious experience. Jesus and three of his disciples had gone to a mountain to pray. The weary disciples at some point fall asleep – but Jesus continues in prayer, he continues to prepare himself for the events that lie just before him, his trip up the road to Jerusalem, his trip towards…

Love is Patient, Love is Kind

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton January 31, 2010 Read: Luke:21-30 & 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Today we hear that well-known piece of the scripture where Jesus says that “no prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown.” We understand that on a surface level, but there is so much more going in this story. Jesus had just read from the book of Isaiah and is giving us the pronouncement that today that scripture has been fulfilled. The Isaiah reading proclaimed good…

We Shall Overcome

By The Very Rev. Sherry Crompton January 24, 2010 Read: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a “I would have made a good evangelist,” said Sally to Linus. “You know that kid who sits behind me at school? I convinced him that my religion is better than his religion.” “How’d you do that?” asked Linus. “I hit him with my lunch box.” Somewhere inside all of us there is a longing to hit each other with our lunch boxes. We tend to shy away…