Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 29)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 29)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

Easter: Mark’s Not-Great Ending

By The Rev. Sherry Deets Easter Day – April 8, 2012 Mark 16:1-8 Happy Easter! Ok, so Mark’s gospel ending this morning is not really a great ending. If you notice in your bulletin, there is a longer ending to Mark added. Most all scholars believe Mark ends at 16:8a, where the Easter reading traditionally breaks off. Most of our bibles have additional endings, most likely added later, perhaps centuries later, because none of the earliest manuscripts contain them. But…

If a Seed Does Not Die, It Remains a Seed

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 5 Lent – March 25, 2012 John 12:20-33 “Sir, we wish to see Jesus”. That is what struck me in today’s gospel reading from John. Don’t we all wish to see Jesus? My friend speaks of a family picnic. “We went out to one of these lovely state parks; and the water was so green, so blue green as it is around here on the high mountain streams. The water came tumbling down that white…

Life and Deth Are All Somehow Mixed Up

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 4 Lent – March 18, 2012 Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-21 “And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness” (v. 14). The story is from Numbers 21:4-9, and every Jewish child knows it. The Israelites sinned by grumbling against God for bringing them out of Egypt into the wilderness. God punished them with a plague of fiery serpents, killing many Israelites. The Israelites confessed their sin and begged for mercy, so God…

An Act of Transformation

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 3 Lent – March 11, 2012 John 2:13-22 Last Sunday’s text focused on the Lenten question, “what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?” Today’s text focuses on the question “what does it mean to be the church of Jesus?” To a faithful Jew, the temple was sacred space, the dwelling place of God on earth. It was a magnificent place. In a futile effort to win over his “ungrateful” subjects, Herod the…

Here is the First Post

Propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt.

The Safest Road To Hell is a Gradual One

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 1 Lent – February 26, 2012 Mark 1:9-15 This morning I’d like to talk about the wilderness experience. We heard that Jesus was driven out into the wilderness for 40 days and tempted by Satan. Sooner or later, almost everyone experiences that uncomfortable feeling that, no matter how confident we were at the start of a journey, we are now lost. The feeling may come on gradually. Something doesn’t seem quite right. There’s this odd…

“Fire Drill!”

By The Rev. Sherry Deets Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2012 A friend shares one of childhood experiences. He said there was an assumed rule in the house. Whenever someone in the family saw an important person come up the driveway, he or she was legally, ethically and morally responsible to scream, “Fire Drill!” Whoever was within earshot of those resounding words was obligated to find anything on the floor that did not belong—like clothes, dishes, magazines, newspapers—gather them up and run…

Aquatic Daredevils Catching a Wave

By The Rev. Sherry Deets Last Sunday after the Epiphany (The Transfiguration) – February 19, 2012 Mark 9:2-9 Surfing is a sport that confounds popular wisdom. Most of us outsiders can marvel at the beauty of the ocean and the obvious joy that riding waves brings to surfing enthusiasts. But at the same time, most outsiders view surfing as inherently too dangerous. The most common question asked of surfers is: “Aren’t you afraid of getting attacked by a shark?” Most…

Naaman and His Leprosy

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 6 Epiphany – February 12, 20122 Kings 5:1-14 This morning I want to talk about the passage from 2 Kings – Naaman and his leprosy. This is a wonderful story for many reasons. It is a passage about the breaking down of barriers and the beginning of new life. You know, one of the oldest story lines in literature is “a stranger comes to town.” In this case, the stranger is Naaman, a powerful commander…

He Took Her By the Hand and Lifted Her Up

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 5 Epiphany – February 5, 2012Mark 1:29-39 As Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee he has called disciples. In the Capernaum synagogue he healed a man with an unclean spirit by “rebuking” the spirit and calling it out of him. The amazed local folks talk about this new teacher and exorcist everywhere. Meanwhile, after this healing in the synagogue, Jesus returns to Simon Peter’s house. There lies Simon Peter’s mother-in-law in the grip of a…

Jesus Opposes the Forces of Evil

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 4 Epiphany – January 29, 2012Mark 1:21-28 So, truthfully, don’t you just dread exorcism stories? I mean, if there’s one kind of biblical story we have a hard time relating to, it has to be this one. Miracle stories are hard enough in our post-Enlightenment, scientific age, but at least we have experience with longing for healing or a desire to feed those who are hungry. But demon-possession? This is simply beyond the experience and…

Spiritual Acupuncture

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 2 Epiphany – January 15, 20121 Samuel 3:1-20 and John 1:43-51 Tomorrow we celebrate the person and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And Martin Luther King loved to tell his story. He did not want to be a national civil rights leader. He had gone into the ministry mostly because his father was a pastor (his grandfather too) and he always did what Daddy King wanted him to do. Martin wanted a quiet…