Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 27)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 27)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

You’re Not As Invisible As You Think You Are

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 21 Pentecost, Proper 24 – October 21, 2012 Mark 10:35-45 Donald Meichenbaum, one of American Psychologist’s ten most influential psychotherapists, tells of the time that his car was struck by lightning while he was driving. Once he was safe at home, Meichenbaum began to share his ordeal with his teenage son, expecting at least some small degree of sympathy. Instead, his son interrupted, “Dad, let’s go buy a lottery ticket. They say the chances of…

The Opposite Of Rich Is Free

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 20 Pentecost, Proper 23, October 14, 2012 Mark 10:17-31 Taking a step into the future can be a difficult task: getting ready for the first day of school, going out on a first date, leaving the corporate job to set up a business, undergoing experimental treatment for a life-threatening illness, selling all we have (giving it to the poor) and following Jesus. That last example was the step into the future that Jesus recommended for…

Jesus Goes Beyond the Prescribed Boundaries

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 19 Pentecost, Proper 22, October 7, 2012 Mark 10:2-16 This is an uncomfortable gospel passage this morning, one that brings up divorce and yet also, in the same narrative, talks about the little children coming to Jesus. I thought about skipping the gospel and focusing on one of the other readings. I thought about just focusing on the little children coming to Jesus. That’s when I realized, I needed to spend time on thwies entire…

Being Inclusive and Being Exclusive

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 18 Pentecost, Proper 21, September 30, 2012 Mark 9:38-50 A strong community enhances the lives of its members. The community is a place of identity, where people have a sense of belonging because they are known and recognized. The community provides protection and support. The community shapes values and provides cultural norms. But there are risks in a strong community. The expectations and demands of a social order may restrict the freedom and creativity of…

Trying To Make Bargains With God

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 16 Pentecost, Proper 19, Year B – September 16, 2012 Mark 8:27-38 This week’s gospel reading is, in almost every way possible, the center of Mark’s Gospel. It stands, quite literally, near the dead center of Mark’s work. It also marks the major transition in the story from Jesus’ ministry of opposing all that oppresses God’s people (by healing, feeding, casting out demons and the rest) to Jesus’ journey to the cross. But perhaps most…

You Can’t Put New Wine Into Old Wineskins

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 14 Pentecost Year B Proper 17 – September 2, 2012 Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 A young rabbi went to serve his first synagogue, and he noticed that on the first Sabbath, when he said the prayers, the congregation on the left side of the synagogue stood at the beginning of the prayers, and the congregation on the right side remained seated. The young rabbi thought this was a little odd, but continued to say the prayers. After…

Let the Children Be First

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 15 Pentecost, Proper 18 – September 9, 2012 Mark 7:24-37 This is one of the more difficult, if not interesting stories for me, in the New Testament – the story of the Syrophoenician woman. During our first service upon my entering seminary, this was the gospel passage. Our Liturgy professor at the time, said, always remember that you entered seminary under this passage. What makes it difficult, of course, is that Jesus comes off as…

Prayer Isn’t Handing In an Order Form

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 13 Pentecost – August 26, 2012 John 6:56-69 Today marks the end of John’s long discourse on the bread of life. Jesus’ difficult teaching on eating his flesh and blood. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them”. Faith is a central concept for John, but the noun itself never occurs. The verb “believe”, however, occurs more than 80 times, more often than in all the letters…

The Flower Lady

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 11 Pentecost, Proper 14 – August 12, 2012 John 6:35, 41-51 Jimmy Harper wearily plodded home after a tough day on the job. As he walked he spied a bench alongside the road; he stopped and rested. As he waited, a woman, hauling behind her a large cart of flowers, happened to pass by. The sweet smell of the flowers perfumed the air. Jimmy instantly lost the weariness in his body and his spirits were…

Stars and Servants

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 10 Pentecost , Proper 13, August 5, 2012 John 6:24-35 Guru Bhagwan Shree, who passed away in 1990, once said, “If you (Americans) came face to face with God, you’d ask Him for a Chevrolet.” So what do you think? If we came face to face with God, would we fall down in awe of God’s holiness and power? Would we seek his wisdom? Would we ask God to help us to change the direction…


By The Rev. Sherry Deets 9 Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 29, 2012 John 6:1-21 I don’t suppose anyone here ever does this, but there is a game some people play that’s called Disqualification. Let me explain how it works. People disqualify themselves because of who they are. They consider themselves not old enough, not young enough, not smart enough, not wealthy enough, not something-or-other enough to give a gift. Individuals can play this game Disqualification. It can also be…

The Text of Terror

By The Rev. Sherry Deets 7 Pentecost Proper 10 – July 15, 2012 Mark 6:14-29 So, our gospel text this morning has been referred to as a “text of terror.” It is a difficult passage to hear or read – the beheading of John the Baptist. But Mark tells this story, and there must be a reason why – so what is hidden in plain sight? What is the stream of grace that flows within the deep recesses of this…