Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 11)

Sermons by Sherry Deets (Page 11)

Sherry Deets is the current Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville, PA.

Outsiders and Insiders

2 Pentecost, Proper 5 – June 6, 2021 Mark 3:20-35           It is still early in Jesus’ ministry; but already, he has driven out unclean spirits, healed the sick, eaten with sinners, chosen his disciples when we come to today’s story. He has mesmerized every crowd he’s come into contact with, stirring up such hope, excitement, and yearning in people’s hearts that they just can’t leave him alone.  So they follow him to Nazareth and pour into the house where he’s…
Three in One

Three in One

Trinity Sunday – May 30, 2021 John 3:1-17           You may know that I have a habit of listening to podcasts while I take my walks. I just listened to an interview with an astronomer, Jill Tarter, who is one of the pioneers in the field of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and she shares how their understanding of what’s out there continues to evolve – “we see the world one way, and then we see something that changes…

The Language of Pentecost

 Pentecost – May 23, 2021 Acts 2:1-21 and John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15          It’s Pentecost!  This day is considered the birthday of the church, the remembrance of the day marked by wind and flames and the filling of the Holy Spirit which brought with it speaking in different languages. Some speaking a language they had never spoken before, others hearing in a language they never understood before. That Spirit of God—the Holy Spirit—has always been around. From the beginning of time,…

Become Love

6 Easter – May 9, 2021 John 15:9-17           Last Sunday we heard about vines. Jesus used a vivid image of a branch abiding in a vine. If the branch were to separate itself from the vine, it would wither and die. But if it simply stays connected, the vines aliveness flows into the branch and bears fruit through it. So, if we abide or remain in vital connection to Christ, the Spirit will flow with God’s aliveness in and…
Creative Pruning

Creative Pruning

5 Easter – May 2, 2021 John 15:1-8 and Acts 8:26-40           We are given two rich pieces of scripture today, the amazing story of Ethiopian eunuch and the story of the vine and the branches. Jesus is telling us that we are the branches and he is the vine – that we cannot bear fruit by ourselves unless we abide in the vine. It’s a counter cultural message in this age of ‘pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps’ and…
Divine Embrace

Divine Embrace

4 Easter – April 25, 2021 John 10:11-18           Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd”. This usually conjures up, for me, the image of Jesus holding a sheep lovingly and tenderly in his arms and it’s actually an image I have hanging on my wall at home. It brings me comfort. Just prior to our gospel reading today, Jesus contrasted the shepherd with thieves and bandits, but today the contrast is between the good shepherd and the hired hand.…


2 Easter – April 11, 2021 John 20:19-31           We’re hearing about two resurrection stories this morning. Jesus appearing one week after the first, coming through locked and closed doors, saying “peace be with you” for the second time. And so, today, one week after we shout, “Alleluia!” and sing, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” John invites us to face our doubts, speak our fears, and yearn for more — more intimacy, more encounter, more experience of the living, breathing Christ. …
The Birds are Chirping

The Birds are Chirping

Easter – April 4, 2021 John 20:1-18           While it is still dark, Mary arrives at the tomb and finds the stone has been removed. The entryway is open wide. Mary was grieving – imagine how she must have felt when she realized Jesus’ body was not there. It’s odd, mysterious, uncomfortable, a little scary – they’re just a few descriptors that come to mind. And then she runs to share this news with two other disciples who then run…
Choose Life

Choose Life

Good Friday – April 2, 2021          And so, it is Good Friday. It’s day of paradox, of tension, of contradiction. It’s a day of darkness and light.  It is a day filled with vulnerability and truth. On Good Friday, we find ourselves standing at the foot of the cross. Beholding the cross. And through Jesus, we are ultimately faced with choosing between the tale of two kingdoms.  God’s kingdom or the world’s kingdom.  Which do we choose? Last evening,…
Open Your Door

Open Your Door

Maundy Thursday – April 2021          Jesus, knowing that he was about to die, spent his last night sharing a meal with his disciples and teaching them, by example, by washing their feet. He was pointing out that no one person is greater than another.  And he leaves us with a new commandment:  “…that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” What does this mean to you…now….today?   What does it look…


4 Lent – March 14, 2021 John 3:14-21          Today’s scripture is filled with paradox.  Fascinating paradox.  In our first reading, God tells Moses to make a poisonous serpent out of bronze, set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.”  And then Jesus reminds us of this in our gospel passage.  Doesn’t that strike you as odd?  Healed by looking at a serpent on a pole? It’s important to know that, in…
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

3 Lent – March 7,  2021 John 2:13-22           Today we’re hearing about one of the few times in scripture where Jesus is angry. A righteous anger to be sure, but wow….making a whip of cords, driving the animals and people out of the temple, pouring out coins and overturning tables. This is not a description of a meek and mild Jesus, for sure. So, a little background on the times to help us understand where Jesus was coming from…