Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Sermon Archive (Page 6)

While sermons are best enjoyed live and in-person, you can view our archive here. Clicking the Facebook or YouTube links at the top of the site will also allow you to watch a recording of many of them.


1 Lent – February 26, 2023 Matthew 4:1-11 So, we began the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday…remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return….we hear these words as we are marked with ashes on our foreheads. It is done to remind us of our Creator God. It is done to remind us whose we are. And today we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Just before this happens is Jesus’ baptism, where we heard…

With Us Always

Last Sunday of Epiphany – February 19, 2023 Matthew 17:1-9          Today we hear about Jesus’ transfiguration. The Transfiguration story is always the Last Sunday in the church season of Epiphany, transitioning us into the season of Lent and Easter. And it is a fitting story to transition us because it insists that we keep what was and what can be in tension. Think about it. Up until now, until the Transfiguration happens, Peter and his fellow disciples experience Jesus…


Absalom Jones – February 12, 2023 John 15:12-15 Today we are celebrating the Feast of Absalom Jones in this Black History month, or as I am noticing and liking, for many people it is Black History Every Day. Blessed Absalom was born into slavery, taught himself to read by using the Bible as one of his resources, was permitted to attend a quaker school and he became America’s first black Priest. Ordained by Bishop White in our very own Diocese.…

Salt and Light

5 Epiphany – February 5, 2023 Matthew 5:13-20          “You are the salt of the earth…” “You are the light of the world.” We are in the church season of Epiphany and Epiphany is a word which itself means “appearing” or “showing forth”. Epiphany is a season that invites us to consider what it is that God longs to manifest in us and through us, and also to wrestle with what gets in the way of this. Jesus is using…

The Nuthatch Lesson

4 Epiphany – January 29, 2023 Matthew 5:1-12          See if you can finish this sentence: “I’ll be happy when….” There must be a thousand possible endings for that sentence. “I’ll be happy when….” o I’ll be happy when I grow up and move away from home. o I’ll be happy when summer comes and I don’t have to go to school. o I’ll be happy when I fall in love and get married. o I’ll be happy when I…

Will You Follow Jesus?

3 Epiphany – January 22, 2023 Matthew 4:12-23          This is a rather eventful passage from Matthew this morning. It starts out a bit ominously, with John in prison and Jesus withdrawing to what was considered the backwaters of Capernaum in Galilee – it was Gentile territory.  This means that Jesus, beginning his ministry, does not go to some holy place, to some religious center. Instead, he withdraws to Galilee, heathen Galilee, a place where, according to Jewish belief, pure…

What are you Looking for?

2 Epiphany – January 15, 2023 John 1:29-42          Our gospel lesson today makes some striking claims about who Jesus is and how his disciples, and therefore us, can relate to him. The first question Jesus asks in John’s gospel is “What are you looking for?”.  And then he invites his new disciples into relationship with him. He invites them to follow him further to find what they are looking for.  “Come and see” he says. Looking.  Seeing.  Finding.  Our…

Our Life’s Path

Epiphany – January 8, 2023 Matthew 2:1-12          Jan Richardson is an artist, writer and United Methodist Minister. She published a retreat for Christmas and Epiphany and I was struck, as often happens with Jan Richardson, by some of her writings. I’ll share some of those with you today. She speaks of artist friends who have a special practice at the beginning of a new painting. “They take a few quiet moments with the canvas. Before reaching for a paintbrush,…

Messy Lives

4 Advent – December 18, 2022 Matthew 1:18-25          This morning we hear about Jesus’ birth from Matthew, through the perspective of Joseph. We don’t hear much about Joseph in the scriptures, he is the would-be husband of Mary, a quiet, unassuming descendant of the House of David. As Matthew tells the story, the God-fearing carpenter wakes up one morning to find that his world has shattered.  His fiancée is pregnant, he knows for sure that he is not the father,…
Pick up your Vision

Are you the One?

3 Advent – December 11, 2022 Matthew 11:2-11          So, today we hear that John the Baptist is in prison.  Imagine John’s cell was dark and dank, because most prison cells are. He paced back and forth, fettered less by his chains than by his misgivings. Allowed at last to see one of his followers, he sends the man to carry a message — a single question, really — that will settle his doubts once and for all. All that…


2 Advent – December 4, 2022 Matthew 3:1-12                So today, in Matthew’s gospel, we are introduced to John the Baptist. This odd fellow in the wilderness, preaching about repentance. In doing so, Matthew is orienting us to the story to come. And it is a story of repair. Confession and repentance loom large in John the Baptist’s prophetic language. John knows no one can repair things without first conducting a thorough exploration of what’s wrong. John insists…

Life’s Train

1 Advent – November 27, 2022 Matthew 24:36-44          Our Advent Season begins with Jesus taking us back to the story of Noah and the Ark. It’s a favorite children’s story. But it’s important to notice that Jesus is not doing this to comfort us – he’s doing it to warn us, and to wake us up. Just as the story of Noah once did. Like the people in Noah’s day, or the men in the field and the women…